Diabetic Management

Nursing care

Specialized diabetic management. Professional and experienced nurses.

A multifaceted treatment plan

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or are at-risk (HTN, increased cholesterol, CAD, overweight, borderline diabetic), Better Life at Home, LLC can help you manage your condition and improve your health.

Our diabetes management plans are developed by professionals across multiple disciplines to build an effective strategy for overall health improvement.

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A broad approach to treatment

Our services include patient education and aerobic and resistance exercise. We work with each patient to establish goals and we help you stay accountable to meeting your goals to improve your condition.

A unique treatment for each patient

Our treatment plans are as individual as each patient. We tailor treatments and strategies to fit within your individual personality and lifestyle, even if the primary diagnosis is COPD, total hip replacement, or psychiatric medication management.

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Experienced healthcare team

You can rely on the experience and skills of our nursing team. With our experience, we can help you find the right method of treatment and encourage you to achieve specific goals that will lead to your success.

Our diabetes management is specifically designed to meet the needs of each individual patient with targeted plans that fit to your unique life and personality.

Call us today for an effective diabetes management plan.

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